Tech Notes
Pieces on this site labeled NovemberWestWears are notes for a tentative business by that name. Ideally, I would like the website to generate images using your colors and patterns to give you some idea of what the pieces will look like. Visual information (like maps) are information dense a la the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words." Even cartoony thumbnail images will go a long ways towards helping people see if it is likely to look good, mix and match the way it is supposed to etc. I have a Certificate in GIS -- "map stuff" attached to a database -- so I have training in visual presentation of that sort from a world class institution. The website itself needs to be either solid black, white or off-white with a minimalist design aesthetic to avoid visual distraction from my plans to create a tool for designing your own wardrobe. The visuals of the website need to showcase this tool and support it's usefulness, not compete with it. There will be SOME p