
Tech Notes

Pieces on this site labeled NovemberWestWears are notes for a tentative business by that name. Ideally, I would like the website to generate images using your colors and patterns to give you some idea of what the pieces will look like.  Visual information (like maps) are information dense a la the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words." Even cartoony thumbnail images will go a long ways towards helping people see if it is likely to look good, mix and match the way it is supposed to etc. I have a Certificate in GIS -- "map stuff" attached to a database -- so I have training in visual presentation of that sort from a world class institution. The website itself needs to be either solid black, white or off-white with a minimalist design aesthetic to avoid visual distraction from my plans to create a tool for designing your own wardrobe. The visuals of the website need to showcase this tool and support it's usefulness, not compete with it. There will be SOME p


Have no means to create an account. Come to x place, pay us to measure you, we create an account and give you login credentials." You can change the measurements once you have an account.  "If you aren't confident you know how to properly take measurements,cee recommend getting them done by a seamstress or similar professional. Garment fit depends on us having correct measurements." I talked to someone once who had a small forum and no means to create an account. You had to email him and he created an account for you. It meant there was zero bot activity or spam or various sorts.  Do account creation kiosks periodically in different places. Or establish a list of seamstresses in different places who can measure you and set up your account. This also would help me scale the business and provide some protection from a "virtual reality check" scenario where a zillion people sign up and place orders while it's still little ole me and one knitting machine. I


I need: 1. "Blogger" style wardrobe design piece 2. Wishlist piece 3. Shopping cart  Blogger lets you put in essentially infinite colors. Mine will list a limited selection of colors. I need illustrations either with swappable sleeves, necklines etc or separate drawings of every combo. I need patterns -- again either layerable into a base or a separate drawing for each piece -- and I need to learn tech that will let me say "this is color 1, this is color 2, this is color three" and when you change black to red in the basic Monotone, it updates the images and shows you that version

My Ask HN

Linky The very first reply says it's HTML, CSS and XML. XML is a markup language but not the one used on Reddit which is Markdown. I already know some HTML and CSS and occasionally use the markup language on Reddit. So I might be able to code this, hire an artist to add drawings, add a shopping cart and be in business from the website end of things. I worked at BigCo when they were implementing some technology of some sort, I forget what. It looked to me like the scene in Men in Black 2 where the mail sorting machine turns out to be a cart with an alien with multiple arms flinging mail rapidly. To the customer, it's "tech." The actual back end is getting PEOPLE to do the work within the deadline as a priority for some damn reason. Cool if I can figure this out but then I need the 'back end': an actual knitting machine and business processes for taking the online orders, inputting them into the machine and making the clothes and mailing them off. I still need a

Ask HN: CS fundamentals?


72 year old wants to learn to code

Keynote Speech PyCon 2016

Found via HN.