Baby Steps

Ask HN: Tips for finding FOSS in need of documentation help?

Pinned post on r/github: Have or know of a project on Github looking for contributors? Feel free to drop them down to add to the wiki page!

I actually found the following via Reddit:

4 Easy Ways to Contribute to an Open Source Project

It suggests contributing documentation as an easy place to start. It says not one word about where to find documentation (other than their project).

I need to make myself a little schedule. I already have kind of a schedule. There's a thing I do on Sundays. There's a thing I do on Mondays. I try to do stuff on Reddit at least two days out of the week, nominally "Tuesdays and Fridays" but not always and maybe I need to figure out a better way to say that.

I need to add in there somewhere "Find some way to figure out how to do one Pull Request per week" and maybe pick a day of the week to do that or something.

I'm generally more organized, but in a way that gives me the flexibility I need to be able to function, given my incurable condition and yadda.

I need to up my game on organization though. I'm starting to hit a point where I could get more done if I had a To Do list or something. I would spend less time spinning my wheels and more time doing the scut work -- research and what not behind a lot of the things I work on -- on days when I've not got tons of executive function but I can dick around and read stuff on the internet or whatever.

I'm not sure how to make that happen. But I'm feeling like shoe-horning in this goal of trying to figure out how to do a pull request once per week is hitting a point of "My schedule is getting full enough, I need a bit more formal organization or something."

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